Stand Up and Work Challenge: Day 17

It’s Day 17 of your four-week transition to a standing desk.

Today’s assignment

Stand for 204 minutes.

How’d it go?

Leave a comment below when you finish your allotted standing time for the day.

Not signed up for the challenge yet?

This challenge will help you make the transition to a standing desk, but only if you participate every day. If you’re ready to make the switch, drop your email address in the box below.

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  • WHEW. I find it more difficult to do this in the morning, but I’m pressing through right now. 60 minutes into my 204…

  • I ended up splitting my standing time today for the first time, two hours before lunch and an hour after. I had a 30 minute meeting during my standing time and walked about a mile around my basement. 🙂

    Not crazy about splitting the time up, although it’s probably best. When I finish up this challenge I’ll probably stand until lunch every day and sit for the afternoon.

    • I’ve been splitting time sometimes, but often switching the time I do it each day, because it takes me a while to set my standing rig up. So I’ll do the afternoon one day, and then the next morning since it’s still set up. I find it easier in the afternoon for me, so far.

  • I found it a little difficult, today, and I think it’s due to the time of day when I started. I spent some time standing in the morning, but due to meeting schedules, I didn’t do the big block of standing time until the afternoon. This was a useful lesson, in itself.

    Thanks again for hosting this challenge – it’s been very worthwhile, for me (even if it’s been broken up over several weeks due to travel, etc.).

  • Wow! I can’t believe I’m up to 3 hours already. This challenge has made it so easy to get there!

  • I also had to split my time up today because of meetings and lunch. I like standing throughout the day, but inn trying to do it together to continue building up my total time. I’m excited to be so close to the end of this challenge!

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